Reading can be a great way to make you more environmentally aware. Here are just a few books for eco-friendly living to get you started. There are so many great longer reading lists around the internet including from EarthDay, Forbes and Vogue if you want to find more recommendations… Happy reading!
Will McCallum 11+
This book provides helpful tips on how to use less plastic in everyday situations; like throwing a plastic-free birthday party and using bar shampoo instead of bottled. Great for anyone wanting to start making small, more eco-friendly differences to their lifestyle! If you’re interested in changes we’ve made at School, you can read a list of 8 sustainable switches here.
David Wallace-Wells 13+
More of a serious read. This book explores the past, the present and future of life and the effects of global warming. It presents a sense of urgency but also talks of the chances we have to change our ways, motivating us to do more.
Jen Gale 11+
This book, again, is full of easy tips to lead a more sustainable and eco-friendly life. It covers what we buy, the food we eat and how we travel. All simple tips we can slot into our daily lives. The main message is that any small change you make has a big impact on the environment in the long haul… so let’s get to it!
Douglas Adams & Mark Carwardine 11+
This book follows Adams and Carwardine as they search for the world’s most endangered animals. It is
a celebration of our most extraordinary creatures and a warning about what we have to lose if we do not act soon.
There’s also a BBC documentary on this, but I think we need a little break from screens hey?
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