The latest Independent Schools Inspectorate’s visit to Downe House took place in November 2024. The subsequent ISI report acknowledges the excellent work of the staff in fulfilling the School’s aims and the outstanding achievements of the pupils in academic studies and personal development. You can read the report HERE.
All previous ISI Reports can be found on the ISI website.
In September 2021, the ISI Inspectors visited to conduct a regulatory compliance-only inspection. We were delighted that the Inspectors confirmed that the School is compliant in all areas covered by The Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2104 and the National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools 2015, with no further action required. Click here to read the full ISI Regulatory Compliance Report dated September 2021
The key findings of the last Independent Schools Inspectorate’s Inspection of Downe House in March 2017 acknowledged the excellent work of the staff in fulfilling the School’s aims and the outstanding achievements of the pupils in academic studies and personal development. The report found that,
Pupils develop into young women with high levels of self-esteem, well prepared to face their future confidently and boldly.
Headmistress, Mrs Emma McKendrick said, “For my part, I am delighted that the Inspectors have captured the essence of the School so effectively, have recognised all that the staff contribute with such dedication and skill every day and have, most importantly, been able to appreciate the girls, all that they achieve and the people that they are.”
Also recognised was the excellent academic achievement of the pupils in public examinations, the clear, professional, well-planned teaching, exceptionally articulate pupils and an extensive range of extra-curricular pursuits. Pupils were said ‘to approach their academic and other challenges spiritedly and with a sense of adventure.’
From a personal development perspective, the Inspectors found that ‘the pupils behave extremely well, displaying a genuine concern and respect for one another’ and that they ‘make excellent progress in developing self-confidence and resilience by engaging in a wide variety of imaginative and challenging activities.’
In line with the School’s boarding aims, the boarding provision was rated of very high quality and Downe was found to be ‘a real home from home,’ a testament to the exceptional dedication of the Housestaff.
Downe House employs 423 staff in a wide range of posts in a wonderful working environment. Find out more about our current vacancies.