School aims and policies

Learn more about the aims of Downe House and read our policies and procedural information.

School aims

Downe House’s aim is to enable, encourage and prepare girls to play a full and positive part in the global community as outstanding women of the future.

The School has specific aims in the following areas: academic performance, pastoral care, enrichment opportunities, leadership, wellbeing, technology and innovation, global understanding and experiences, the wider world, recruitment, finance and the estate.

Read our School Aims here  

Gender Pay Report 2017  

Gender Pay Report 2018  

Gender Pay Report 2019

Gender Pay Report 2023GOV.UK site

School policies

We have clearly defined policies and procedures for every aspect of our School.

Information regarding our aims, policies and procedures, including Safeguarding and Child Protection and employment, are listed below.

Copies of all our policies are available to parents via the password-protected Parent Hub and also by request from our Administration team by emailing or telephoning +44(0)1635 200286.

Admissions Policy
Behaviour Management Policy
Charging Policy
Child Student Visa Policy
Complaints Policy & Procedure for Current Parents
Curriculum Policy
English as an Additional Language Policy
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Policy for Staff
First Aid Policy
Health and Safety Policy Statement
Internet Social Networking Policy for Pupils
IS Acceptable Use Policy
Learning Skills & SEND Policy
Off-Site Activities Policy
Permanent Exclusion and Removal Policy and Procedure
Prevention of Bullying Policy
Privacy Policy
PSHE (Learning for Life) Policy
Relationship and Sex Education Policy
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Safeguarding and Promoting the Health and Safety of Pupils on Activities Policy
Safer Recruitment and Selection Policy
Statement of Boarding Aims and Practice

Formal complaints

The total number of formal complaints received in the academic year 2022-2023 was 0.

The total number of formal complaints received in the academic year 2023-2024 is 1.

Tours & Open Mornings

The best way to find out more about Downe House is to experience it for yourself. Book a personal tour or join us at one of our Open Mornings, available throughout the year.

A flexible and modern approach – Full Boarding | Flexi Boarding | Day Pupil – what’s your Downe House journey?
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