The curriculum

Downe House is renowned for providing an outstanding education for girls. Most importantly, we offer an inspiring range of subjects, individual learning programmes tailored to each girl and the freedom and encouragement to show initiative and creativity in their studies.

Inspiring young minds by tailoring learning to each individual

At Downe House we have strong academic values. When these are combined with excellent teachers, a broad curriculum and superbly equipped classrooms, each girl is inspired to explore the widest range of subject combinations and achieve her fullest potential.

Our approach to study works, with over 85% of Downe House girls achieving A* and A grades at I/GCSE. Equally as important, we aim for the highest set of academic results that each girl can achieve so that her opportunities beyond Downe are limitless.

A wealth of subject combinations

We want each girl to experience the broadest possible choice of subjects. For that reason, a key aspect of academic life at Downe House is the opportunity to try a much wider range of subject combinations.

The core curriculum subjects of English, Mathematics, Modern Foreign Languages and Science are complemented by a greater choice of the Humanities, the Classics and Social Sciences, as well as ample opportunities for Creativity, Sport and more practically-focused lessons.

Every department at Downe House is a vibrant community where girls are provided with opportunities that enthuse, motivate and boost self-belief and – above all – make learning fascinating and fun.

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