Head of Department: Mr William Lane
The study of politics enables pupils to interpret, evaluate and comment and to develop critical thinking skills. The value of politics beyond school is immeasurable and helps develop an understanding of domestic and world events.
The A Level course offers a stimulating and comprehensive insight into how the UK and USA are governed. Additionally, girls study a range of political ideologies and make comparisons between the British and American political systems.
The teaching styles used in the Department encourage debate and help pupils to confidently form opinions and express reasoned arguments.
The Department is well-resourced, and all the girls have access to up-to-date journals, a wide variety of textbooks and stimulus material from the Internet, newspapers and television. We also offer many course-related activities such as visits to Parliament, attending conferences, and visits from outside speakers.
The course is assessed by three written examinations, with a strong emphasis on essay-writing and communication skills. It is an ideal subject to take alongside History, Geography, Economics, English or Modern Languages, but many combinations are possible. For those interested in careers in the media, law, public administration and, obviously, politics, this is a very useful and interesting subject to study.
Full details of the syllabus are available in the Sixth Form options publication. Further information about the study of Politics can be obtained by contacting the Head of History and Politics, Mr William Lane.