Our thanks go to Eleanor Argyll (Cadbury DH 1991) for creating an unique and bespoke event for the Scotland Regional Reunion. It really was third time lucky, as two previous dates had to be postponed due to Covid-19.
This special event was held in conjunction with the Foundation Office, with Alexandra Barlow (Director of External Relations) and Louise Peto (DHSA Administrator) travelling up from Downe House to join our members drawn from all over Scotland for a remarkable day.
Eleanor was very generous with her time and gave a fantasticating tour of the Castle, which included behind the scenes access to many of the family’s private apartments. We all sat down for a delicious lunch of smoked salmon, homemade quiche and scrumptious meringues with strawberries and cream. Our jolly lunch was extremely noisy and gave us all a wonderful opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new connections. After lunch we gathered for group photographs in the beautiful grounds and enjoyed the opportunity to explore the gardens before we all parted.
‘What a fabulous Downe House reunion you organised at Inveraray! It was very special indeed, because of the fabulous location of course, and meeting other old Downers who live in Scotland.’
‘Eleanor was so welcoming and gave us such a good tour that it made it all very special. It was a very good group of people and so nice to see several people I hadn’t seen for a long time and others who I found connections with. Well done gathering such a good crowd and a big thank you for organising it all so well.’
‘It really was a wonderful day and I’m so glad we were finally able to have it. Absolutely everything was perfect.’
Further regional reunions are planned for the coming year and any alumnae who would like to get involved should get in contact with the Alumnae Relations Office by emailing foundation@downehouse.net or calling Mrs Alexandra Barlow or Lady Peto, Louise on 01635 204740.
Find out more about the Downe House Alumnae Network