Empowering Educators:
Celebrating MIE Experts at Downe House School 

The Digital Downe-load #1

23 سبتمبر 2023

In the first edition of The Digital Downe-load, Mrs Basnett (Director of Digital Learning) celebrates our Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts. 

This year Downe House has more than twenty Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts (MIEE) and for the sixth year running the school has been awarded the prestigious Showcase School Status by Microsoft. This is certainly exciting news for us and demonstrates our commitment to using our Surface Pros and the Microsoft Suite of Tools.   

Certainly, being an MIEE involves a commitment to complete some online training and requires teachers to explain exactly what they have done over the past year to merit this award. MIE Experts are expected to share their good practice. It is worth saying at this point that the absence of this title does not diminish a teacher’s proficiency in the use of digital technology in the classroom. Indeed, as educators at Downe House we are all proficient in our delivery of lessons using technology and in our knowledge of the digital tools that are available to us, ensuring that a Downe House girl receives an education that is not only relevant but also forward thinking in the digital age.  

The MIEE application process encourages us to reflect on our teaching practices and fosters meaningful conversations among educators about various teaching methodologies. It underscores our collective commitment to continuously enhance our teaching methods. As educators devoted to the art of teaching and learning, we prioritise our own lifelong learning, which serves as a great model for students, inspiring them, too, to embrace a growth mindset. 


This commitment to growth and adaptability has proven invaluable in the ever-evolving landscape of education. Over the last quarter of a century, educators have been empowered in their roles by tools such as Teams, Class Notebook and Microsoft Forms to improve all aspects of teaching and learning. For example, never has it been easier to set interactive quizzes that aid pupils to learn and build their long-term memories. In this case Microsoft Forms, one of our go-to tools, not only gives immediate feedback to the pupils and provides valuable data about our pupils’ learning but also enables us to address any misconceptions promptly. Elsewhere, we have fostered collaboration through use of the Collaboration space in the Class Notebook or via Microsoft Whiteboard. The ability for pupils to work on one screen together, share their ideas, and learn from each other is testament to the transformative power of technology in our classrooms. 

Thus, teaching and learning at Downe House is truly an interactive learning experience and using Microsoft’s suite of tools assists us in keeping up to date with latest trends and technologies bringing invaluable benefits to ourselves and to the school community. The MIE Expert application serves as a testament to our unwavering dedication to excellence, reaffirming that at Downe House every teacher is an expert in delivering lessons that empower our girls not only to thrive and make meaningful progress but also to skilfully utilise the tools that will undoubtedly shape their future lives. 

Click here to discover more about Digital Excellence at Downe House.

Mrs Jane Basnett
Director of Digital Learning, Teacher of French

Mrs Basnett trained at Goldsmiths and after over 25 years of teaching she is still learning new things and loves being in the classroom. She started at Downe House in 2008 as Head of Modern Foreign Languages and since then technology has become increasingly important in education. This year, Jane has taken on the role of Director of Digital Learning to share her expertise in the area of educational technology with the Downe House community.

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