Means Tested Bursaries

Seeking a diverse student population in order to provide a well-rounded educational environment and opportunities for all.

We are committed to offering talented girls access to everything which a Downe House education provides, regardless of their means

In 2023-24, 45 girls are benefitting from full and partial means-tested bursaries. We value pupils who will flourish in and contribute to life at Downe House, seizing every opportunity and enriching our community.

These gifted pupils will benefit from an education and boarding environment of the highest calibre and quality, as well as the provision of academic, cultural, sporting and social experiences to help them reach their potential.

Our means-tested bursaries are available at all points of entry to Downe House and vary in size based on the circumstances of the applicant’s family. We offer financial assistance as high as 100% plus an allowance towards School extras, recognising that a Downe House education encompasses more than classroom learning.

Bursaries also take into account academic entry requirements and an applicant’s capacity to progress in their work through the School.

If you feel that you may need the support of  one of our means tested bursaries, please discuss with us well in advance of your daughter’s date of entry. Please don’t hesitate to contact our Registrar, Miss Angela Nutt by calling 01635 204701 for a confidential conversation, and find out more by reading our Parents Guide on Bursaries.

We are delighted to have partnered with Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation (RNCSF), a social mobility charity which works to bring the transformational opportunities offered by the UK’s leading schools to the young people who will benefit from them the most. You can read more here.

Centenary Day Bursaries

To celebrate the 100 years anniversary of our School’s arrival at the campus in Cold Ash, Berkshire, we are offering a number of Centenary Day Bursaries to benefit our local community, which will cover up to 100% of the day fee for local pupils.

Developing our contribution means developing a pupil’s potential

In accordance with the general guidance on Public Benefit from the Charity Commission, we continue to develop our overall contribution in addition to the plans for increasing the number of our means-tested Bursaries. In 2021/22, an average of 589 boarders and 33 day girls were educated at no cost to the state, and the School has continued to achieve high standards in all areas, focusing on its aim of providing each individual girl with an excellent all-round education thus enabling her to achieve her potential.

Find out more about our commitment to the future of Downe House

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