Always up for a challenge, Downe House girls enthusiastically welcomed the teams from Balmoral College in Argentina to take part in a trio of international friendly hockey and volleyball matches. Originally named after Balmoral Castle in Scotland, Balmoral College visited Downe House on the last stop of their biennial UK cultural and sports tour which has taken them to Edinburgh, York and Bath as well as taking part in four other sports fixtures at schools in between. In both hockey and volleyball, Balmoral fielded a formidable opposition proving to be strong and fast on both the hockey pitch and volleyball court.
Lu Min, Head of Volleyball said,
“Last Wednesday, Balmoral college from Argentina came to Downe House for friendly hockey and volleyball matches as part of their UK tour. Although we had only managed two training sessions as a team, the Downe House volleyball team just managed to win our first ever international volleyball match with a score of 2-1. On the hockey field, the Balmoral College teams were victorious in both matches. Afterwards the Argentinian girls stayed for supper and despite the language barrier, we all got to know each other and enjoyed the evening.”
After supper, the Balmoral students set off to London for a few days of sightseeing before flying home to Buenos Aires.
Find out more about sport at Downe House