Launching our partnership with Ludgrove School


10 Kasım 2023

We are delighted to announce the launch of a partnership between Ludgrove School and Downe House’s Lower School. After the success of our Respect Project with Radley College for our older pupils, it felt fitting to create a partnership that would benefit our younger girls in a similar way.

We are very excited by the opportunities this partnership affords. It will firstly provide our pupils the chance to work alongside boys on joint projects and activities, with the aim of developing their collaboration skills and giving them the opportunity to stretch their own learning from beyond the traditional classroom setting. It will also give them the opportunity to work alongside boys in a meaningful way, fostering healthy relationships, boosting confidence and encouraging them to take part in open discussions.

Downe House’s partnership with Ludgrove is an exciting development and represents a terrific opportunity for all pupils across both schools. Years 7 and 8 will enjoy a range of collaborative activities – academic, co-curricular and social – which will enable friendships to develop across both schools whilst the benefits of a single sex education will be maintained. Downe House has a similar partnership with Radley College which involves all pupils from age 13 to 18 year old pupils.
– Mr Godfrey, Deputy Head


Our first event was a day of academic enrichment and personal development for Year 7 pupils. The theme of the day was Experiences of Children in World War II.

We were privileged to start the day with an address from our keynote speaker, Mr Steven Frank BEM, a holocaust survivor. Mr. Frank, born in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, lived through the turbulent times of WWII as a young child when the Nazis invaded and occupied his home country. His first-hand accounts provided invaluable insights for our pupils, allowing them to connect with history in a deeply meaningful way.

The remainder of the day was split into different workshops for our pupils to enjoy. Our thanks to the dedicated staff from both Downe House and Ludgrove in the History, English, Drama and Creative Arts departments for facilitating these workshops.

In History, the pupils undertook a research challenge where they looked at schooling, rations and home life for children during the war.

English saw the pupils pair up to write a poem describing the emotions and experiences children went through before and after boarding the trains as evacuees.

After lunch, the groups turned to Drama to explore the day’s theme through the use of soundscapes, tableaux and role play.

In Art, the hard work of the pupils’ resulted in a wall of repeat pattern lino prints of WWII favourite – SPAM!

Thank you to Ludgrove School for joining us for the day and to Ms Eaves (Assistant Head, Lower School) and Mr Baldanzi (Head of History, Ludgrove School) for organising this initiative. We believe that this event truly captured our aim to enhance the academic understanding of our pupils whilst also fostering empathy, historical awareness, and a profound sense of connection to the past.

Our first Downe House / Ludgrove Day of Enrichment highlighted the resilient spirit of children during WWII, reminding us that their stories of courage and endurance continue to inspire and educate. We were deeply honoured to have Steven Frank BEM, a Holocaust survivor, as our keynote speaker, sharing his powerful first-hand account and reminding us all of the importance of never forgetting.

The enthusiastic collaboration and engagement of our pupils were key to making this day a true success, as they embraced the past and forged connections with a brighter future. Their feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with many describing the day as thoughtful, memorable, inspirational, engaging, and creative.
– Ms Eaves, Assistant Head (Lower School)

We look forward with keen anticipation to all the future opportunities that this partnership will bring to our Lower School. Click here to see our full photo album from the day.


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