Learning @home: PE

With remote learning now in full swing, Anna, in the Upper Sixth, and Sophia, in Remove, were happy to share their experience of what it’s like to have PE lessons at home.

4 mai 2020

How does PE work from home?

Sophia (Remove)

On our remote PE system the Sports staff regularly post really fun activities, challenges and workouts that range from slightly challenging to absolutely exhausting. It is really helpful and fun!

Anna (Upper Sixth)

Over the last couple of weeks, through our online PE lessons, our PE Department has given us an incredible array of different exercises to keep us all active and busy. These are either specific to our certain sports or general home workouts that are motivating, enjoyable and push us to our absolute limits!

Whilst being able to follow online videos, we also have the opportunity to get involved in live streams and all the PE staff have been amazing at motivating us and keeping us busy. Whilst the sun has been out I have been in the park running, practising my stick work with my sisters and doing increasingly demanding circuits.

What is a sports diary?


Sports diaries are a way for the teachers to find out about the exercise that we have been doing, and also something to keep us busy. It is part of the Digital Downe House remote learning system and uses OneNote. The diaries enable us and the teachers to keep track of what sports we have been doing and we can upload photos, video and links, and make annotations in them.


We are able to write down and track our sporting progress through our sports diaries, where we write down everything that we’ve been doing in the day, and we can include videos, photos and even time-lapse footage. This enables me to evaluate what skills and further exercises I should be doing whilst trying to improve my stats in terms of times, reps, weights, etc. Keeping a sports diary keeps me motivated and allows me to create goals for the week ahead, with my sports teachers being able to also track my progress and give me advice and support.

What does your sports diary look like?


I add videos, images, text and links to my OneNote to log my exercise.


Some examples of my diary entries includes:

  • 8am: Scholars fitness with Miss Quaterman (following ‘Belle Hutt’s HITT’ live Instagram sessions)
  • 3km runs
  • Park sprints
  • Weights
  • Stick work for lacrosse
  • Insanity with Mrs Gaunt
  • Following Miss Nicholls online cardio core workouts

Overall, the online PE lessons, the support from the PE staff and the sports diaries have really given me a wider understanding of the vast array of different exercises possible, and I love how I am able to track my progress.

Other creative sports diary entries

Girls from across the School have been impressing us with their sports diary entries. Here are just of few that the PE Department has shared on Twitter:

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