Mayor of Thatcham visits Downe House

We were honoured to welcome the current Mayor of Thatcham to Downe House. Our Lower Sixth students, Izzy and Sonya, describe the wonderful visit.

28 Abril 2023

On Friday 28 April, we were given the amazing opportunity to tour the current Mayor of Thatcham, Mr Jeff Brooks. We first greeted him at Wakefield house where we got to learn about his role as the Mayor and what he does on a daily basis. We were both astounded by the number of events he attends and has been to over the recent months! During our discussion we learnt that the Mayor had a strong passion for the performing arts and we discussed how it influences his daily life in terms of confidence and presentation (both key attributes for being Mayor!).

We proceeded to take the Mayor to one of the A Level Biology classes led by Mrs Jo Harrop (Teacher of Biology) in which he got the chance to partake in a practical about practicing aseptic conditions when growing bacterial cultures. Due to his expressed interest in drama, we took the Mayor to the Performing Arts Centre, where he was amazed by the expansive stage and the moving seating area. The Mayor was particularly enamoured by the dining room we later took him to, stating that it was like a movie set from Harry Potter!

We then had the chance to speak to the Mayor over a cup of coffee with Mrs McKendrick. We were able to discuss the upcoming local elections in great detail and Mr Brooks was very knowledgeable. This was greatly interesting as, at that time, the local elections were only a week away! We were also very lucky to hear about the new 45 piece tapestry which is on display at the Frank Hutchings Community Hall in Thatcham, a commemorative Platinum Jubilee project that honours the late Queen Elizabeth, which consisted of a great number of individual paintings, drawings, and other mixed media portraits all done by local artists and members of the community depicting important moments throughout the Queens reign.

To finish off a wonderful morning, the Mayor was treated to a music concert in the Auditorium. This was truly such an incredible experience and we are grateful to Mr Brooks for giving up his time to visit Downe House.

Izzy and Sonya, Lower Sixth

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