Say hello to our Seniors

Meet our Head and Deputy Head Seniors who we are proud to have leading our School community.

7 September 2023

Each year, a group of our Upper Sixth students proudly represent Downe House in positions of responsibility as Seniors and School Officers.

The roles vary and in their Lower Sixth year, all students are invited to put themselves forward for a role or subject that they feel particularly passionate about – it’s a way to contribute to the school community and to inspire and support the younger pupils, and leave a lasting legacy of their time at School.

From Heads and Deputies of Houses, Heads of Creative Arts, Music or Drama, and Global Ambassadors, to Sports Captains, Literary Seniors and STEM Ambassadors – and many other roles in between – the positions are a sought after and highly cherished achievement for girls at the top of the school and they take great pride in fulfilling their roles.

These positions of responsibility are shown through the wearing of ‘Seniors’ gowns’ which are handed over in what traditionally involves a tug-of-war between the newly appointed and the outgoing officers!

Now that they have successfully completed one term of leadership together, we’d like to introduce you to our Head and Deputy Head Senior, Shiloh and Kimberly. We asked the girls to describe each other and their compassionate responses perfectly capture why they were both such fitting choices to lead our School.

Shiloh, Head Senior

“Shiloh is a sunflower. I have known her since Upper Fourth and ever since (despite being in different houses), we have become inseparable. Her vibrant personality, like the golden petals, radiates warmth and joy to everyone she encounters. Shiloh always seeks out positivity in every situation, just like a sunflower turning to face the sun, she embraces optimism with open arms. 

Shiloh has a compassionate heart. She offers a listening ear, gentle advice, and unwavering encouragement to anyone and everyone. Not to mention her incredible sense of humour, consistently bringing laughter to everyone around her. I am constantly in awe of everything she does, from her assured confidence to speak in front of crowds, to her incredible hip-hop dance skills, and not to mention leading all three House events (and winning two!). 

Not only does Shiloh offer uplifting support to her peers, but she is always seeking personal growth, constantly striving to improve herself. I could not think of anyone more suited to be our Head Senior. It is an honour and a privilege to be working alongside her over the next year.” – Written by Kimberly, Deputy Head Senior


Kimberly, Deputy Head Senior

“Kimberly is a butterfly. In the same way a butterfly moves with such grace and elegance, that is how Kimberly carries herself. Kim never has anything but kind words to say about everything and everyone around her. It is in Kim’s actions and personality that I see her true beauty, she is always there to lend a helping hand, always there to be a shoulder to cry on and the most gorgeous thing about her is that she does it with a smile on her face. She has a gentle approach to every situation and always manages to radiate confidence and calmness no matter what the problem might be.  

Kim inspires me. She inspires me to work hard for the things that matter and to always look towards the positive. Seeing Kimberly around School reminds me of seeing a butterfly on a sunny day. Both always manage to put a smile on my face! Kim happens to be one of the oldest in our year and it is a recurring joke between us that she is somewhat comparable to a grandma! However, as I have had the honour to lead with her for the past term, I have realised that instead of calling her a grandma, an older sister would be more fitting. Kim will always go out of her way to take care of and protect her loved ones, she will never be a bystander and she subconsciously allows all those around her to flourish and present their most confident versions of themselves. I could not be happier or prouder to work alongside Kimberly.” – written by Shiloh, Head Senior

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