

We are committed to offering talented girls access to everything which a Downe House education provides, regardless of their means. We value pupils who will flourish in and contribute to life at Downe House, seizing every opportunity and enriching our community. 

In 2023-24, 40 girls are benefitting from full and partial means-tested bursaries. We would like to go further, and we hope that the Downe House community will help to support our vision. 

Your support will help us to give a life-changing Downe House education to deserving girls whose family would otherwise be unable to afford the fees. These pupils’ contribution will in turn have a transformative impact upon all our pupils, our School and wider society.  

Watch compelling testimony of our previous bursary award holders.

Centenary Day Bursaries

We recognise the brilliance, passion and determination of our existing bursary award holders, both in their contributions as pupils and as alumnae. To celebrate the 100 years anniversary of our School’s arrival at the campus in Cold Ash, Berkshire in 1911, we launched our Centenary Day Bursaries in 2021. Downe House are offering members of our local community two bursaries per year group, covering up to 100% of day fees.  

Support our Bursary Fund

By giving towards the Bursary Fund, you will be making a difference to a child’s future and be part of a philanthropic tradition that reaches back over 100 years. 

There are a number of ways to support bursaries. Please visit our Making a Gift page, or contact us for more information. 

If you would like more information about applying for a bursary please click here

Named Bursaries

An opportunity to name your own award after a loved one. Please contact the Development Office if you would like to discuss this further. 

Partnership with SpringBoard

We are delighted to have partnered with Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation (RNCSF), a social mobility charity which works to bring the transformational opportunities offered by the UK’s leading schools to the young people who will benefit from them the most. You can read more here.

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