Ella describes her experience,
“I was so lucky to get this opportunity to play at Wimbledon and all the credit goes to my great grandfather who played at Wimbledon from 1928 to 1935 and was beaten by a very famous tennis player called Fred Perry. His membership was then passed onto his eldest son, my grandfather who invited me to Wimbledon on this occasion.
I was extremely nervous and apprehensive when I arrived at the pristine courts but was greeted with a warm welcome by the other players and as we started warming up with the other children, my confidence started to boost.
I was partnered up with an 11-year-old girl called Mia and we played doubles against a pair of 15-year-old girls and won 8-2. Our second match was against two boys, which we won 8-1 and my third and final match was a singles match which I was pleased to win 8-0. After the three matches, I was exhausted and was looking forward to the pizza and ice cream that was to follow.
On our way to the Clubhouse, we had a peek into the ladies’ changing rooms…they were amazing! It was as though the main changing area was out of a movie with beautiful mirrors, Chanel perfumes, modern lighting, facial products and luxury sofas. In the Clubhouse, I chatted to the other players that I hadn’t had the chance to meet and then we were rewarded with pizza and ice-cream. We saw all the amazing trophies and were then given the opportunity to stand in the Royal Box to look at Centre Court where all the amazing tennis players have played over the years. My experience of playing at Wimbledon was one of the best moments of my life and I hope that I get another opportunity to play there one day.”