Global Ambassadors virtual relay raises £2,674 for the International Rescue Committee

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a team of Downe House Global Ambassadors organised a charity ‘Virtual Around the World Relay’ to raise money for the International Rescue Committee (IRC).

29 يونيو 2020

The Downe House Global Ambassadors team organised a charity ‘Virtual Around the World Relay’ to raise money for the International Rescue Committee (IRC), a charity that responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises. The team of 14, comprising 10 Global Ambassadors and 4 members staff from of the Higher Education and Global Initiatives department, and currently spread across three continents, either ran, cycled or walked over 100 kilometres over a 2 week period. Each day a new part of the globe was covered as each Ambassador completed their leg of the 100 kilometre total, before passing on the virtual baton. There was fun to be had along the way, with the relay batons varying from water bottles to bananas to shoes, as they travelled virtually through India, Thailand, Kenya, UK, China and Hong Kong.

Joint Head Global Ambassador Poppy, who walked over 11km in 31 degree heat in Dubai, said, “We picked the IRC as our charity to fundraise for as we are all living through this crisis and we need to work together to help those less fortunate than us.” She continued, “The IRC estimates that the world’s most fragile countries could see up to 1 billion cases of Covid-19. In Venezuela alone, 90% of hospitals face a shortage of supplies. South Sudan only has 4 ventilators for a population of 11 million people. Urgent front line help is needed.”

Thanks to the commitment of everyone involved, and the generosity of the Downe House community, the girls raised an impressive total of £2,674. For more information about the IRC and its work, please visit the IRC website. You can still support the team’s fundraising efforts by visiting their Justgiving page.

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